Image created with Midjourney. Image prompt: A minimalistic 2D illustration of a person standing in front of a towering, mysterious fence stretching across a pathway. The person is holding a magnifying glass, inspecting the fence closely, while a shadowy figure (representing the mayor) observes from the background.

Image created with Midjourney. Image prompt: A minimalistic 2D illustration of a person standing in front of a towering, mysterious fence stretching across a pathway. The person is holding a magnifying glass, inspecting the fence closely, while a shadowy figure (representing the mayor) observes from the background.

<aside> 💬 Reforms should not be made until the reasoning behind the existing state of affairs is understood.


In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, understanding the "why" behind the existing code or system is crucial before initiating changes. This concept is embodied by a principle known as Chesterton's Fence.

The Principle

The principle, derived from a story by G.K. Chesterton, is a metaphorical reminder that each line of a program was written by someone for a reason. Before making changes or removing code that seems redundant or incorrect, it is important to understand its original context and purpose1.

Applying Chesterton's Fence

Removing Technical Debt

In an effort to clean up code or optimize a system, developers might be inclined to remove what they perceive as 'technical debt.' However, without understanding the reasoning behind the existing code, they risk eliminating critical functionalities or introducing new bugs. By applying Chesterton's Fence, developers ensure they fully comprehend the implications of their actions before proceeding.

System Upgrade

When upgrading a software system, it can be tempting to implement the latest technologies without fully considering the existing system's design and rationale. Yet, without understanding why the original system was designed the way it was, developers risk introducing incompatibilities or breaking key functionalities. Applying Chesterton's Fence can help mitigate such risks.

Interface Redesign

In the realm of user interface design, Chesterton's Fence is also highly relevant. Before redesigning an interface, designers need to understand why the current design exists as it is. What user needs does it serve? How does it influence user behavior? Without answering these questions, designers risk creating interfaces that may be aesthetically pleasing but fail to meet user needs or negatively impact user experience.

The Connection to Software Products

In the context of software product development, Chesterton's Fence underscores the importance of understanding before acting. Be it a line of code, a system design, or a user interface, each element of a software product serves a specific purpose. Understanding these purposes is essential to making effective changes and avoiding unintended consequences.

In conclusion, Chesterton's Fence is more than just a principle; it's a mindset that encourages curiosity, thoroughness, and a respect for the work of those who came before. By incorporating this mindset into their practices, software developers and designers can create products that are not only innovative and efficient, but also reliable and user-friendly.


Chesterton's Fence on Wikipedia